
Sustainable Kitchens

Green America sent this buying guide to me in the mail and I thought it was actually helpful.  I keep it on the fridge.  And then I thought that sharing would be good.  I'll won't post everything all at once as it's too long a post, but will eventually get to the whole list.  To find out the why of this list, go to their website and click on "unshopping."  Even just the discussion that followed in my household and office was worth checking it out.

10 Things You Should Never Buy Again

1. Styrofoam cups
2. Paper towels
3. Bleached coffee filters
4. Teak and mahogany
5. Chemical pesticides and herbicides
6. Conventional household cleaners
7. Toys made with PVC plastic
8. Plastic forks and spoons
9. Farm raised salmon
10. Rayon

Using rags instead of recycled paper towels from now on

© 2008 Anne Mahle

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