Recipes / Travel

A Week of Maine Lobster – Lemon Lobster w/Sun Dried Tomato over Fettuccini

Ml_logo_big Windjammers and lobsters are two of the iconic symbols of the state of Maine. Here in the Mid Coast area our local lobstermen and women are hurting. With the current global financial crisis things have trickled down to them. At least fifty percent of the Maine lobster catch is bought by Canadian processing plants that then distribute and sell lobster to the rest of the world. These processing plants used lines of credit which are no longer available to them as the lenders have gone under. That is leaving a whole lotta lobster here in Maine. As the fall season is typically the best time for catching lobster – we have more then we can eat! To support our maritime neighbors we have come up with a few ways that we can help. To start I’ll post a week of lobster recipes.

This first one is for Lemon Lobster with Sun Dried Tomato over Fettuccini.  This was a summer favorite at Jessica’s Restaurant when I was a sous chef under Chef Hans Bucher. It is also rich enough for a special occasion dinner. It’s important to have all the ingredients ready and on hand before your start. Don’t start this one until the pasta is in the water and you’ve given it a good stir.

Lemon Lobster with Sun Dried Tomato over Fettuccini

Fettuccini to serve 2 people
1 tablespoon butter
2 teaspoons shallots, minced
1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes in oil, oil drained, chopped 
8 oz. cooked lobster meat (approximately one 1 1/2 pound lobster)
1/4 teaspoon salt
A few grinds on the pepper mill
1/3 cup white wine
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tablespoon butter
Grated Parmesan cheese and minced parsley for garnish

Follow the package directions for cooking the fettuccini.  Melt the butter in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat.  Add the sun-dried tomatoes; sauté for one minute, then add the shallots and cook until soft.  When the shallots are done add the lobster meat and sauté for 1 minute.  Add the white wine and lemon juice; cook for another 30 seconds and remove from heat.  Gently stir in the butter until it’s completely incorporated.  Serve over fettuccini and garnish with the cheese and parsley. 

Serves 2

Headed to the kitchen to cook up some lobster

© 2008 Baggywrinkle Publishing

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